It is quite easy for us to dwell on our past, our regrets, mistakes, and what didn’t go right.. or the way we wanted it to be! But little do we realize that the more and more we think and “dwell” on these, the larger it will G R O W. Here’s some things to remember today: •••• ♥Think about whether other people have moved on- evaluate the impact of your mistakes and did it affect others? How are they reacting to it? The chances are- they have moved on! If not, you got to move on with your L I F E! •••• ♥Make a DATE TO DWELL- out of the seven days of a week, you can’t be dwelling on these negative emotions 24/7! But rather set aside about 10-20 minutes one day out of the week to re-examine your life! I don’t want to call it dwelling .. but re-examine yourself! What went wrong and how can it be prevented in the future. •••• ♥Stay A C T I V E- being physically active also helps and aids to bring mentally active! Dig in to your life and see what you enjoy the most and best! Dancing? Jogging? Volunteering? If anything? Give back to your community! •••••••• ♥With that being said, it’s not really the big regrets, loss.. that matters! Remember, there’s a greater J O Y waiting for you! The light is not at the end of the tunnel BUT IT IS IN YOU!
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Jhone Doe October 22, 2016
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